Safety Is a Choice You Make
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Our Main Services

Amdos Security provides its customers with the best security services out there. Our security guards will protect our customers' premises, shops and offices 24/7. We provide various security services...

Manned Guarding

All of our guards have a door supervisor licence issued by the SIA which means will assure you that your assets are in a secure hand.

Mobile Patrols

Our mobile patrols service is specialised in monitoring sites wither it’s an internal or external patrol.

Key Holding

We insure that your keys are kept safe and access by authorised people when needed at any time.


Please cick on one of our services to read more about it.

Manned guarding

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Mobile patrols


Key holding

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Event security

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Retail Secuirty

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Hotel security

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About us

Amdos Security provides its customers with the best security services out there. Our security guards will protect our customers' premises, shops and offices 24/7. Our guards have professional security licensed which means will assure you that your assets are in a secure hand.

Our team

Our highly professional security guards are available 24 hours a day.

Contact Us

Contact us whether you need a quote or an inquiry about one of our services. We aim to get back to you within 24hrs.